Monday, January 14, 2013

Summer Fun 2012

This is what happens when the girls dress like daddy!

Elizabeth's 3rd Birthday

Elizabeth is getting so big already. She is always telling us she isn't a baby anymore that she is a big girl. She has been excited about her George Happy Birthday party since May when we asked her what kind of party she wanted. Ever since then she asked regularly if it was the day for her party. Curious George is her favorite show right now.







Sunday, September 9, 2012

Disneyland July 17th

For Elizabeth's 3rd birthday we decided to go to Disneyland. We chose a random day in July during the week to make sure it wasnt to busy but when we got there we found out it was Disneyland's birthday and it was packed. Elizabeth had a lot of fun. All she wanted to do was give mickey a hug! Our favorite part was the parades and street performers.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ladies Trip July 14-15

We took a ladies trip this summer with all the girls. It was fun but a lot of driving. We went from Ridgecrest to Modesto and had fun along the way. Went swimming in the hotel pool during breakfast and had fun at a rest stop along the way home.